Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
1,172 lines
; Filename : 3d2.asm
; Included from: Main Assembley Module
; Description : 3d vector routines full sorting method (slower)
; Written by: John McCarthy
; 1316 Redwood Lane
; Pickering, Ontario.
; Canada, Earth, Milky Way (for those out-of-towners)
; L1X 1C5
; Fidonet: Brian McCarthy 1:229/15
; RIME/Relaynet: ->CRS
; Home phone, (905) 831-1944, don't call at 2 am eh!
; Send me your protected mode source code!
; Send me your Objects!
; But most of all, Send me a postcard!!!!
; - objects can pass through one another and still be sorted correctly
; - maxsurfs and maxpoints must be large - set to TOTAL points/surfs on screen
; To use:
; call _land_draw ; draw _background landscape
; call _clearfill ; clear video memory (last screen)
; call _look_at_it ; make camera look at selected object
; call _setsincose ; set rotation multipliers for eye
; call _star_plot ; plot _background stars (if you want)
; call _makeobjs ; plot all objects in sides table
; call _instant_mouse ; plot mouse on screen
; call _flip_page ; flip video pages
; call _updvectors ; move objects around, _rotate_point them
code32 segment para public use32
assume cs:code32, ds:code32
; define externals
include pmode.ext ; protected mode externals
include xmode.ext ; xmode externals by matt pritchard
include irq.ext
extrn _nullpalette:dword
include macros.inc
include equ.inc
include vars2.inc ; labels and such
align 4
include tables.inc
include math.inc ; _rotate_point, cos,sin,arctan...
include xscale.inc
include poly.inc ; common ploygon stuff
public _makeobjs
public _make1obj
public _flush_surfaces
public _init_tables
strip_bytes equ 4
align 4
add esp,strip_bytes ; abort from loadpoints and _make1obj
ret ; returning now from _makeobjs call
align 4
; Loadpoints: Begin loading of points from object definition data into array
; In:
; ESI -> object #
; Out:
; ESI -> offset of connection data
; Given ESI as object number. _rotate_point, translate and convert to 3d the points
; of that object. returns edi as pointer to sides.
mov bl,v_userotate[esi] ; rotation type
mov si,v_whatshape[esi*2] ; get shape
mov esi,_objbase[esi*4]
mov eax,[esi]
add esi,8
cmp eax,zad ; check if too far to see detail anyway
jb s view_is_not_ok
mov eax,[esi-4]
add esi,eax
movzx eax,w [esi]
mov numpoints,eax
or eax,eax
jz no_points_anyway
mov edi,pointindex ; set xp,yp,zp pointer
shl eax,2
add eax,pointindex ; pointindex = word indexer to last point
cmp eax,maxpoints*4-4 ; test for overflow in points tables
jae abort_all
mov ax,[esi+2]
mov numsides,eax
add eax,_showing
cmp eax,maxsurfaces-1 ; check for overflow in "sides" tables
jae abort_all
add esi,4+25*2 ; skip point and side totals, skip future data
mov lindex,edi ; set last index to points (this one)
add edi,4 ; compensate for center of gravity point
test bl,no_rotation ; check v_userotate command
jnz np13 ; use different loop if no rotation
movsx ebx,w [esi] ; x
movsx ecx,w [esi+2] ; y
movsx ebp,w [esi+4] ; z
push edi esi
call _rotate_point ; _rotate_point based on object matrix
add ebp,zad
cmp ebp,ztruncate
jl s ntrt
add ebx,xad
add ecx,yad
call _make3d
pop esi edi
mov xp[edi],ebx
mov yp[edi],ecx
mov zp[edi],ebp
add edi,4 ; inc xp indexer
add esi,6 ; inc input pointer
dec numpoints
jne s np12
mov pointindex,edi ; save for next call of loadpoints
ret ; esi exits with pointer to sides
mov ebp,ztruncate
jmp s ntrunct
mov ax,[esi+2]
mov numsides,eax
add eax,_showing
cmp eax,maxsurfaces-1 ; check for overflow in "sides" tables
jae abort_all
add esi,4+25*2 ; skip point and side totals, skip future data
mov edi,pointindex ; set xp,yp,zp pointer
add pointindex,4
mov lindex,edi ; set last index to points (this one)
movsx ebx,w [esi] ; x
movsx ecx,w [esi+2] ; y
movsx ebp,w [esi+4] ; z
push edi esi
call _rotate_by_camera ; rotation matrix already set up! (camera)
add ebp,zad
cmp ebp,ztruncate
jge s ntrt2
add ebx,xad
add ecx,yad
call _make3d
pop esi edi
mov xp[edi],ebx
mov yp[edi],ecx
mov zp[edi],ebp
add edi,4 ; inc xp indexer
add esi,6
dec numpoints
jne s np13
mov pointindex,edi ; save for next call of loadpoints
mov ebp,ztruncate
jmp s ntrunct2
align 4
special_commands dd offset do_bitmap
dd offset do_bitmap
dd offset pushmatrix
dd offset popmatrix
dd offset pushlocation
dd offset poplocation
dd offset newobject
dd offset no_new_matrix
dd offset gosub_function ; 8
dd offset return_function ; 9
dd offset goto_function ; 10
number_ofb dw 5*2
dw 5*2
dw 1*2
dw 1*2
dw 1*2
dw 1*2
dw 1*2
dw 1*2
dw ? ; gosub_function
dw ? ; return_function
dw ? ; goto_function
align 4
push esi
movsx eax,w [esi]
add esi,eax
jmp return_iteration
align 4
pop esi
add esi,2
jmp return_iteration
align 4
movsx eax,w [esi]
add esi,eax
jmp return_iteration
align 4
push _vmatrix+0
push _vmatrix+4
push _vmatrix+8
push _vmatrix+12
push _vmatrix+16
push _vmatrix+20
push _vmatrix+24
push _vmatrix+28
push _vmatrix+32
jmp return_iteration
align 4
pop _vmatrix+32
pop _vmatrix+28
pop _vmatrix+24
pop _vmatrix+20
pop _vmatrix+16
pop _vmatrix+12
pop _vmatrix+8
pop _vmatrix+4
pop _vmatrix+0
jmp return_iteration
align 4
push xad
push yad
push zad
jmp return_iteration
align 4
pop zad
pop yad
pop xad
jmp return_iteration
align 4
mov cx,ax
and ecx,special-1 ; max 127 commands
jmp [special_commands+ecx*4]
align 4
; handle loading of _bitmap from object list
; eg dw himap,8,5,50,60 ;command is 32,point 8, _bitmap 5, x&y scaling of 50,60
align 4
lodsw ; get from si, first is point
shl eax,2
add eax,lindex ; add to include offset in list
stosw ; put in sides table
mov edx,ebp ; save indexer
movzx ebp,ax ; get point indexers
mov eax,zp[ebp]
mov zeds[ebx*2],eax ; set zed for sort.
mov ebp,edx
movsw ; get _bitmap type
movsd ; get x then y scaling
mov edx,command ; get command (for iteration bits)
mov textures[ebx],dx
cmp zad,64000 ; _bitmaps farther than 65536 screw up
jge no_norml ; you can't see them anyway. prevent overflow
jmp ln3
align 4
; Loadsides: Load connection data from object data definition
; In:
; ESI -> offset of connection data
; Out: null
mov lamflag,no
mov edi,offsides ; get ready for lodsw and stosw
mov ebp,edi ; ebp = offset to first point in side
mov ebx,_showing ; bx = word indexer for surfaces
shl ebx,1
mov ax,[esi] ; get command word
add esi,2
mov command,eax
test eax,special ; if _bitmap, do special load,
jnz ld_special ; or test previous color
mov eax,[esi] ; get texture data/type
mov texture12,eax
mov eax,[esi+4] ; get colour, high byte is other side
add esi,8
mov colors12,eax
mov ecx,lindex ; quick add for loop
push ebp
push ebx
movzx eax,w [esi] ; get from esi, first is unconditinal
add esi,2
shl eax,2
add eax,ecx ; add to include offset in list
mov [edi],ax ; put in edi
mov [edi+4],ax
mov edx,eax
lodsw ; get from esi
shl eax,2
add eax,ecx
mov [edi+2],ax ; put in edi
mov [edi+6],ax
cmp eax,edx ; check all after first point
je s ld_exitloop
add edi,4
shl eax,2
add eax,ecx
mov [edi+0],ax
cmp eax,edx
je s ld_exitloop
shl eax,2
add eax,ecx
mov [edi+2],ax
cmp eax,edx
je s ld_exitloop
shl eax,2
add eax,ecx
mov [edi+4],ax
add edi,6
cmp eax,edx
jne s ld_loop
push esi
mov edi,ebp ; adjust bp into appropriate indexer
movzx ebp,w [edi+6]
mov ecx,[zp+ebp]
mov bp,[edi+4]
add ecx,[zp+ebp]
mov bp,[edi+2]
add ecx,[zp+ebp]
mov ebp,edx ; get point indexers
add ecx,[zp+ebp] ; take average of two z points for sort
mov zeds[ebx*2],ecx
mov edx,command
test edx,onscr ; find if test is for on screen pixels
jnz test_if_on_screen
test dl,both ; check if always visible
jnz its_line
mov edx,[xp+ebp] ; first point
mov ebx,[yp+ebp]
mov bp,[edi+2]
mov esi,[xp+ebp] ; second point
mov ecx,[yp+ebp]
mov bp,[edi+4]
mov edi,[xp+ebp] ; third point
mov ebp,[yp+ebp]
call checkfront ; check if side is visable using p1,2,3
pop esi ebx ebp ; return object data pointer
mov edx,command
or ecx,ecx
jle s test_shading ; cx>-1 if side visible, skip if not
test edx,double ; test to use other colour
jz s skipit ; miss this side...
shr texture12,16
shr colors12,16
xor w texture12,inverse ; do inverse shading
test texture12,shade+last
jnz handle_shading ; shading bit set, do it...
test edx,check ; find out if side is only a test side
jnz s no_show
mov eax,texture12 ; another side added...
mov textures[ebx],ax
movzx eax,w colors12
add eax,palxrefx ; get offset of palette cross reference table for this object
mov ax,[eax]
mov surfcolors[ebx],ax
inc _showing ; another side added...
add ebx,2
add ebp,maxpolys*2 ; bump ebp to next block
test edx,iterate
jnz handle_surface_iteration
test edx,normal ; do we skip surface normal data
jz s no_norml
add esi,6
test edx,iterate
jnz failed_iteration ; skip iteration data if surface failure
mov edi,ebp ; set di for next stosw
dec numsides ; count for next side
jne ld_lp
mov offsides,edi ; save for next call
align 4
pop esi ebx ebp
test w texture12,shade+last
jz ln2
; handle gourad/_lambert shading
align 4
test w texture12,last ; test to use previous colour or _bitmap call
jnz ld_do_previous
test w texture12,wavey
jnz ln2
push ebx esi ebp edx
cmp lamflag,no ; is _lambert matrix set up?
je s setitup ; jump to less likely route
mov bx,word ptr [esi] ; get surface normal
mov cx,word ptr [esi+2]
mov bp,word ptr [esi+4]
add esi,6
call _l_rotate_point ; _rotate_point surface normal by _lambert matrix
pop edx
test w texture12,inverse ; have the sides flipped? test dx,256
jnz s invert_colour ; jump to least likely route
add edi,256
shr edi,1 ; result -256 to +256, turn into 0-256
mov al,b shading_tables[edi] ; now into 0-15
xor ah,ah
mov lastshade,al
pop ebp esi ebx
add w colors12,ax ; user can have offset color in object!
jmp ln2
align 4
invert_colour: ; inversion occures with other side option,
neg edi ; always visible option, and shading option
jmp lp_contin ; all combined!
align 4
push esi
mov esi,currobj ; this is object # from _make1obj
call _lambert ; set up _lambert maxtrix
mov lamflag,yes
pop esi
jmp s returnq
align 4
mov al,lastshade ; use colour from previous calculation
add b colors12,al
jmp ln2
; handle iteration option
align 4
test edx,normal
jz s no_norml2
add esi,6 ; skip if shading normal present
test edx,matrix ; test to derive new matrix
jz no_new_matrix
mov edi,currobj ; new matrix, get offset object number
add di,[esi+16]
test v_onoff[edi],sub_object_on ; test if sub-object has been turned on...
jz failed_iteration
mov eax,[esi+24]
mov minzc,eax
mov eax,[esi+28]
mov btolr,eax
push ebx esi ebp edx ; save stuff before iteration handle
mov bx,w v_xs[edi*4] ; get rotation location
mov cx,w v_ys[edi*4]
mov bp,w v_zs[edi*4]
add bx,[esi+10]
add cx,[esi+12]
add bp,[esi+14]
movsx ebx,bx
movsx ecx,cx
movsx ebp,bp
push edi
call _rotate_point ; z<>0, find rotation location
add xad,ebx
add yad,ecx
add zad,ebp
pop esi ; return object number+offset
test v_userotate[esi],no_rotation ; test to use new matrix or add to old
jnz do_compound_thingy
call _temp_matrix ; add to old
call _matrix_multiply
mov eax,minzc
cmp zad,eax ; check if new object will be behind camera
jg done_alterq
jmp failed_iterationq
call _compound ; _compound new matrix
mov eax,minzc
cmp zad,eax ; check if new object will be behind camera
jg done_alterq
jmp failed_iterationq
test b [esi+8],centroid ; is there a centroid offset?
jz done_alter
mov eax,[esi+28]
mov btolr,eax
push ebx esi ebp edx ; save stuff before centroid handle
movsx ebx,w [esi+10] ; no new matrix command, find point
movsx ecx,w [esi+12] ; offset (addition)
movsx ebp,w [esi+14]
call _rotate_point ; if found, add _rotate_pointd point to xad,yad,zad
add xad,ebx
add yad,ecx
add zad,ebp
sub zad,1
adc zad,1
mov ebx,xad ; test if new xad,yad,zad are within screen boundaries
mov ecx,yad
mov ebp,zad
cmul eax,ebx,ratiox ; use fast constant multiply fo 3d conversion
idiv ebp
movsx edx,_xmins
sub edx,btolr
cmp eax,edx ; tolerance is max object size/ratio
jl failed_iterationq
movsx edx,_xmaxs
add edx,btolr
cmp eax,edx
jge failed_iterationq
mov ebx,eax
cmul eax,ecx,ratioy
idiv ebp
movsx edx,_ymins
sub edx,btolr
cmp eax,edx
jl failed_iterationq
movsx edx,_ymaxs
add edx,btolr
cmp eax,edx
jge failed_iterationq
mov edi,pointindex
mov xp[edi],ebx
mov yp[edi],eax
mov zp[edi],ebp
add pointindex,4
pop edx ebp esi ebx
movzx eax,w [esi] ; get number of extra points in iteration
add esi,2
mov numpoints,eax ; set as counter
mov ecx,eax ; save number of extra points for later use
shl eax,2
add eax,pointindex ; pointindex = word indexer to last point
cmp eax,maxpoints*4 ; test for overflow in points tables
jae abort_all2
lodsw ; get number of sides in iteration
add numsides,eax
add eax,_showing
cmp eax,maxsurfaces-1 ; check for overflow in "sides" tables
jae abort_all2
add esi,25*2
or ecx,ecx ; no new points to add? (just surfaces)
je return_iteration ; only sides added to iteration, done...
push ebx ebp edx ; save load and store locations
mov edi,currobj ; add more points to xp,yp,zp list
mov bl,v_userotate[edi] ; because iteration is visible
mov edi,pointindex ; movzx edi,pointindex
call middle_load_points
pop edx ebp ebx
jmp return_iteration
align 4
add esp,strip_bytes ; abort from iteration and _make1obj
ret ; returning now from _makeobjs call
; perform test for option "onscr" - generate iteration if points on screen.
; routine also tests if polygon crosses screen - eg no point is on the screen
; but the polygon covers the screen, like the front of a very big building.
align 4
xor bl,bl ; bl = quadrant flag
push edx edi ; save command
mov esi,ebp
mov ecx,xp[esi] ; cx, dx =(x,y) to test
mov edx,yp[esi]
mov ah,32 ; 32 16 8 determine where point is,
cmp cx,_xmins ;1 x x x then or bl with location
jl s ytest ;2 x x x
mov ah,8 ;4 x x x
cmp cx,_xmaxs ;
jge s ytest
mov ah,16
mov al,1
cmp dx,_ymins
jl s oritall
mov al,4
cmp dx,_ymaxs
jge s oritall
cmp ah,16
je s on_screen ; a point is on the screen, generate side...
or bl,ah ; point is not on the screen, but it may
or bl,al ; contribute to a polygon which covers the screen.
add edi,2 ; get next connection for another test
mov si,sides[edi]
cmp si,bp ; test if at last connection in iteration test
jne tios
xor al,al ; count number of bits in y (must be >2)
ror bl,1
adc al,0
ror bl,1
adc al,0
ror bl,1
adc al,0
cmp al,1
jbe s skipit2
xor al,al ; now count x (must be >2)
ror bl,1
adc al,0
ror bl,1
adc al,0
ror bl,1
adc al,0
cmp al,1
jbe s skipit2
pop edi edx
test edx,both ; side is on screen
jz return_screen ; test if alway visible
pop esi ebx ebp ; always, pop and test for shading
test edx,shade
jz ln2 ; no shading - do normal return
jmp handle_shading
pop edi edx esi ebx ebp
jmp skipit
; handle failure of option 512
align 4
pop edx ebp esi ebx
movzx ecx,w [esi+4] ; number of bytes to skip in case of failure
mov ax,[esi+6] ; get number of points TOTAL in iteration
add esi,8
shl eax,2 ; in case iteration in iteration in iteration...
add w pointindex,ax
add esi,ecx
jmp return_iteration
align 4
; _make1obj: Handle plotting of object ESI
; In:
; ESI -> object #
; OUT:null
; Notes:
; Routine assumes object is already ON! note: esi not si!
mov currobj,esi
mov ebx,v_xs[esi*4] ; displacement
sub ebx,eyex
mov ecx,v_ys[esi*4]
sub ecx,eyey
mov ebp,v_zs[esi*4]
sub ebp,eyez
test v_userotate[esi],s_himap+s_point ; check if _bitmap or point
jnz mo_special
if div_256 eq 8
shr ebx,8 ; account for decimal places
test ebx,00800000h
jz s pm_1
or ebx, 0ff000000h
shr ecx,8
test ecx,00800000h
jz s pm_2
or ecx, 0ff000000h
shr ebp,8
test ebp,00800000h
jz s pm_3
or ebp, 0ff000000h
mov si,v_whatshape[esi*2] ; get shape
mov esi,_objbase[esi*4] ; get header start
add esi,[esi+4] ; get first resolution
mov edi,[esi+14*2] ; get maximum distance seen
cmp ebx,edi ; check if within visible space
jnl s noa2 ; if object miles away, don't bother
cmp ebp,edi
jnl s noa2
cmp ecx,edi
jnl s noa2
neg edi
cmp ebp,edi
jl s noa2
cmp ebx,edi
jl s noa2
cmp ecx,edi
jg s mo_misout
mov edi,dword ptr [esi+16*2]
mov eax,dword ptr [esi+18*2]
mov btolr,eax
call _zsolve ; figure out camera displacement
cmp esi,edi ; check if behind camera, miminum dist.
jl s noa2
sub esi,1 ; make z non-zero
adc esi,1
call _xsolve
mov xad,edi ; store 3d offsets
call _make3dx ; now make object farther in 3d
movsx eax,_xmins
sub eax,btolr
cmp edi,eax ; tolerance is max object size/ratio
jl s noa2
movsx eax,_xmaxs
add eax,btolr
cmp edi,eax
jge s noa2
call _ysolve ; solve y and set correct regs
mov yad,ecx
call _make3dy ; now make object farther in 3d
movsx eax,_ymins
sub eax,btolr
cmp ecx,eax
jl s noa2
movsx eax,_ymaxs
add eax,btolr
cmp ecx,eax
jge noa2
mov zad,ebp
mov esi,pointindex
mov xp[esi],ebx ; save center of gravity as point 0
mov yp[esi],ecx
mov zp[esi],ebp
mov esi,currobj ; pop original object number
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,v_palxref[esi]
mov ebx,_xreftable[ebx*4]
mov palxrefx,ebx
test v_userotate[esi],no_rotation ; test to call _compound routine
jnz s mk_skipc ; skip if anything other than full rotations
call _compound ; full rotation object, calc. matrix
call loadpoints ; load points and _rotate_point, exit di=sides
jmp loadsides ; now load sides, starting at di
align 4
align 4
; if v_userotate = 32 then draw _bitmap at location x,y,z
mov edi,maxz*256
cmp ebx,edi ; check if within visible space
jnl s noa ; if object miles away, don't bother
cmp ebp,edi
jnl s noa
cmp ecx,edi
jnl s noa
neg edi
cmp ebp,edi
jl s noa
cmp ebx,edi
jl s noa
cmp ecx,edi
jl s noa
if div_256 eq 8
shr ebx,8 ; account for decimal places, /256
test ebx,00800000h
jz s pq_1
or ebx, 0ff000000h
shr ecx,8
test ecx,00800000h
jz s pq_2
or ecx, 0ff000000h
shr ebp,8
test ebp,00800000h
jz s pq_3
or ebp, 0ff000000h
call _zsolve ; figure out camera displacement
cmp esi,minz ; check if behind camera, miminum dist.
jl noa
call _xsolve
mov xad,edi ; store 3d offsets
call _make3dx ; now make object farther in 3d
cmp edi,xmit ; tolerance is max object size/ratio
jl noa
cmp edi,xmat
jge noa
call _ysolve ; solve y and set correct regs
mov yad,ecx
call _make3dy ; now make object farther in 3d
cmp ecx,ymit
jl noa
cmp ecx,ymat
jge noa
mov zad,ebp
mov esi,currobj ; pop original object number
cmp pointindex,(maxpoints-1)*2 ; check if there is room in table
jge noa
cmp _showing,maxsurfaces-1
jge noa
test v_userotate[esi],s_point ; is point or _bitmap?
jnz mo_ispoint
mov edi,pointindex
mov [xp+edi],ebx ; set location of _bitmap
mov [yp+edi],ecx
mov [zp+edi],ebp
mov edi,offsides
add offsides,maxpolys*2 ; update for next object/_bitmap
mov ebx,_showing
shl ebp,2 ; adjust so it's the same as loadsides
mov zeds[ebx*4],ebp ; set z sort indexer
inc _showing ; one more surface...
xor ah,ah
mov al,v_userotate[esi]
mov textures[ebx*2],ax ; set command for _bitmap
mov eax,pointindex
add pointindex,4
mov ax,v_whatshape[esi*2]
mov ax,v_bitobjx[esi*2] ; set x and y scales (stretching)
mov ax,v_bitobjy[esi*2]
align 4
cmp bx,_xmins ; draw single point/bullet
jl s noa4
cmp bx,_xmaxs
jge s noa4
cmp cx,_ymins
jl s noa4
cmp cx,_ymaxs ; _ymaxs1 if larger pixel
jge s noa4
mov edi,pointindex
mov [xp+edi],ebx ; set location of point/_bitmap
mov [yp+edi],ecx
mov [zp+edi],ebp
mov edi,offsides
add offsides,maxpolys*2 ; update for next object/_bitmap
mov ebx,_showing
shl ebx,1
shl ebp,2
mov zeds[ebx*2],ebp ; set z sort indexer
inc _showing ; one more surface...
mov textures[ebx],64 ; set this command as point
mov surfcolors[ebx],bulletcolour ; only for variable colours
mov eax,pointindex
add pointindex,4
align 4
; Set_order: Initialize original order for plotting objects
; In=Out=null
; Notes: This is called by _flush_surfaces so no need for you to do it.
; This must be called every frame to re-initalize the order for polygon sorting
mov ecx,_showing
jcxz s non2_do
dec ecx
jz s non2_do
shl ecx,1
mov esi,ecx
shl esi,1
add esi,offset order
prc equ 8
cmp ecx,prc*2
jb s ordrloop
rept prc
mov [esi+i],ecx
sub ecx,2
jz s non2_do
sub esi,prc*4
cmp ecx,prc*2
jae s bigsloop
mov [esi],ecx
sub esi,4
dec ecx
loop ordrloop
mov [order],0 ; fill last
align 4
; _makeobjs: Make/plot all objects on _current_page, unrolled loop
; In=Out=null
; Notes: Called from _makeobjs
rept maxobjects
local itsoff
test v_onoff+i,mainobject_on ; check on/off
jz s itsoff
mov esi,i
call _make1obj
ret ; put no code here! _make1obj may force abort!
; _init_tables: Initialize ordering before beginning 3d animation
; In=Out=null
; Notes: Called by YOU. Different routines between 3d1,3d2 and 3d3
mov offsides, offset sides ; clear table indexers for call
mov pointindex,0
mov _showing,0
align 4
; _makeobjs: Make/plot all objects on _current_page
; In=Out=null
; Notes: Called from your mainline animation routine, falls through to _flush_surfaces
call makeobjx ; make objects
; _flush_surfaces: Sort and flush all surfaces from polygon buffer to screen
; In=Out=null
; Notes: called by _makeobjs
call set_order ; set ordering of sides
call _sortlist ; sort sides according to z distance
call _drawvect ; draw 'em on da screen
mov offsides, offset sides ; clear table indexers for call
mov pointindex,0
code32 ends